Based on a trend that almost 50% of students graduating from Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) at Chalmers start to work within UX, without getting proper training from the program, we saw a great opportunity! Me, plus 3 other Chalmers students, developed and led a workshop series with 40 master and bachelor IDE students, to try giving the student the missing puzzle pieces within Digital Design and Entrepreneurship.
This had never been done before. So, without budget and with lots of motivation we reached out to some of the most interesting companies in town to ask for sponsorship and hosting opportunities and we started to develop the workshop series. We ended up with this schedule:
1 /11, 18:00 - 21:00 @ Inuse: Workshop in digital design and prototyping
During this event we unraveled the terms and roles of UX designers, UI designers and Interaction designers. We also explained differences between wireframes, mockups and prototypes plus we got to listen to inUse and how they work with prototyping. Then, we had 3 exercises (based on the tutorials we sent out before hand so everyone already would be familiar with sketch or figma) : 1) We made mockups of the flow of the Swish app, 2) We put together the mockups to an interactive prototype in inVision. 3) Exported the prototype to our phonea to use it as a “normal” app. Lastly, we went through some tips and tricks of how to get better and usable resources.
8/11, 18:00 - 21:00 @ Techno Creatives: Workshop in data driven product development.
During this event, we talked about why data is a powerful tool for evaluating design. Firstly, we went through what data is, what you can do with it, and how you use it to form experiments. Then we also presented some common metrics to use and how to set up an A/B test. The exercise was to creating A/B tests for redesigning the Favorites feature of Swish, "faked" some numbers for the participants and they could iterate on their design based on the data.
15/11, 18:00 - 21:00 @ Annevo: Workshop in design driven entrepreneurship.
During this evening, we went through why designers are well suited to become entrepreneurs. We went through how Lean startup and Design thinking relate and talked about common misunderstandings about how to get started with an idea. Then, we talked about common barriers to getting started and how to get around them. The exercise this time was to create 1 mockup for your idea, and then create a landing page for it at
22/11 18:00 - 21:00 @ Forza Football: Final; Designathon!
My role
I was part of all workshops, preparing, planning and helping the participants through out the exercises. Had extra responsibility for the first workshop, where I also did major part of presentations. Responsible for some of the company collaborations. Developed all the graphics. Read more about it here